Monday, July 27, 2009


I did not think i lived in a safe neighborhood until this weekend. I opened my car to get something out of it and did not close the door. I don't mean lock i mean i left the door ajar. 24 hours later, the driver's door was still open everything intact save for the rain that had poured the previous night.

Two things came to mind, there were cars packed on each side of my own didn't any of those drivers feel the need to shut my door? Kinda weird. Well i feel safer now- granted, there was nothing of value in the car and its not one of those cars that you want to serve time for-it's just not worth it.

Enjoy the week that is.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


How is it you cannot drink until you're 21 but can marry at 18?

Are we saying drinking requires more responsibility than marriage does......